Avinash Boppana, Rohan Joshi, William Ughetta, Michael Hallee
Project Description
The DanceBot project was created to have a final product that can be used for entertainment, as well as to teach us skills in 3d printing, servo/arduino circuit design, and programming. The actual robot consists of 3d printed limbs, with servo motors mounted as joints. The motors are attached to an arduino board, which can be programmed via a computer. These parts are all stored inside a wooden box. An interesting detail of the design is the aesthetically pleasing box in which the robot and arduino board are stored. When the robot is dancing, it is placed on top of the box, while the wiring is cleverly hidden inside the box. This gives a clean and simple appearance. There was not a whole lot of technical research to be completed, as group members were familiar with many aspects of the project, and the lab AI’s (Landon, Mauricio) were able to fill in the gaps. The only research that was done was connecting servo motors to the Arduino board, which Arca_Ege wrote about on Arduino’s ProjectHub ( The project can also be considered an exercise in modularity: each aspect of the project was tasked to each person in the group. We learned to communicate very well with each other to ensure we were all on the same page. If not, this could result in a project that does not come together in the end.