- Bill Becker’s presentation has been moved to April 20th
- We will continue reading one chapter of Shop Class as Soulcraft per class for the rest of the semester
Shop Class as Soulcraft Chapter 3 Discussion:
- Discussion leader: Taylor- accessibility for fixing stuff independently; dependence on others vs self
- Hien – Motorcycle reference: kicker starter on early motorcycles
- Prof Littman: easier to start m/c when its on center stand b/c it is more stable; it’s important to listen to the exhaust/intake in order to get it at the right point in the cycle to get the m/c started
- Hien – M/C reference: oil pump-old m/c used a hand pump rather than an automatic pump
- Prof Littman: oil pump was mounted on the handle bars; manual lever for retarding spark; retard fully when starting the m/c otherwise the engine could run in reverse, then once the m/c is started advance the spark; amount of advance affects the power
- Rupert – society removed option to fix things, ex) Mercedes removing dipstick; made a connection to class where we machine our own parts rather than buying them when we have the need
- Anna- discussion of music and freedom; idea founded on obedience to instrument
- Prof Littman: agency vs autonomy; agency = skilled on instrument, the thing; autonomy = playing radio, the application
- Anna – Greek philosophy; different levels of knowing
- Cecilia – user of technology is passive; people have to disengage with it sometimes otherwise it becomes frustrating
- Hien – easier & more intuitive = more assessable for larger audience vs keeping it specific and customizable
- Taylor – discussion of learning curves & automatic vs manual
- Adam – pg. 68-69 what separates humans from other animals; “handiness”
Fusion 360:
- Went over how everyone is progressing with Fusion 360
- Computer Aided Engineering Analysis in Fusion360
- Create object
- go to Simulation
- click Static Stress Analysis
- loads-> cases-> constraints->select a face (anchors surface)->ok
- loads->select face & set magnitude->ok
- results->solve->results->animate-> check two way & set steps
Circuit Simulator:
- http://falstad.com/circuit/circuitjs.html
- simulated ignition system (see photo library)