We are going to have a philosopher come a week today, then hopefully an expert on combustion the Monday after spring break. We also have a fluid mechanics expert lined up too.
Stay healthy folks!
Carb: Moving and cleaning carbs
Electrical: WARNING DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN OR CROSS-THREAD SPARK PLUGS! Otherwise adjusting the timing of the spark to just before top dead centre, and soldering tail lights.
Top End: Ordering parts for the alternator
Clutch: Starting the terrier
Detailing: Sanding and Priming. Found out that the front wheel and front fender move together, but the rear ones don’t.
Frame: Glen had a look at the frame because there seems to be a crack, but Glen is happy and that it’s Triumph’s fault not ours.
By the end of Spring Break, read to the end of Part 4.
Book discussion:
19 – No motorcycle references. Philosophy – There is a dilemma between the subjective and the objective. However, Phaedrus merely gives up on the dilemma and creates a third option, claiming that the question regarding quality is an invalid one. We like the idea of thinking outside the box when going into the arena – the idea of the left and right horns. P. 239, “classic is about understanding,” “romantic is about seeing”. Robert plays around with different definitions of quality. One as the idea of “goodness” and another as “beauty”.
20 – P. 249, we get the impression that Robert is leaving Phaedrus behind. Now, his new obsession seems to be quality. He does a really wacky thing where he replaces the Daoist philosophy with quality. The result is a new dilemma between Eastern and Western philosophies. Comments on the metaphor of climbing a mountain and the avalanche.
21 – We get a lot of plot and Chautauqua. One particular detail on p.260: “pioneers are inevitably mess-makers”. Are they pioneers? They left the road behind and are making a mess…
What is coming up is particularly relevant for Gideon (the philosopher that’s coming to talk).
Rupert Peacock